You just got your Realtor licence! You’re full of piss and vinegar, all reved up and ready to go! Now what? I remember while getting my licence I wanted to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible. I also spent as much time as possible letting people know I was getting my Realtor...Read More
Misery loves company! This is not a place I want to hang out! If this is somewhere you want to be, stop this video right now and stop watching! If you are about the good life and want to find out how to be in a better place, stick around! Life will throw you curve...Read More
Unfortunately I have seen this all too much, a brand new Realtor fresh out of Real Estate school and they think they’ve got the whole industry figured out! School was the easy part, the next step is what makes you money! I have been in the Real Estate business for 8 years and have been...Read More
I hear it all the time, my significant other gives me heck for working too much! Or they’re always complaining I’m on my phone too much! Discover how I’ve been able to balance the situation with my wife, Alright Robyn. This is a common challenge for relationships that have an or two ambitious partners. Spending...Read More
Do you want to increase revenues at your business? Do you want to get thousands of extra eyes balls on your business? Achieving this might sound very difficult, the opposite is true, it’s simple! When someone creates content about your business, EMBRACE it! Did your business get tagged in a social media post? This is...Read More
Do you want to live in a BRAND NEW custom house? Three years ago my wife, Alright Robyn and I built our new home. We were fortunate enough to secure a piece of land in Wainfleet, Ontario and build a new home. We designed the home from scratch using house plans from online and brought...Read More
Do you want to become a Realtor and make millions of dollars? I have been in the Real Estate business for going on 8 years now. I spent 6 years working at Century 21 in Fonthill. In my first year I was the top earning Realtor in my office! Since leaving there, I have opened...Read More
In my industry, Real Estate, only a small percentage of Realtors are really successful. Today I’m going to share with you my secrets on how to become successful. If you’re not in Real Estate don’t turn this video off, these concepts can help you in anything you’re trying to achieve Everyone’s idea of success is...Read More
You’ll never believe what a so called friend of mine did to me with content creation. A friend of mine got mad Joe not doing a piece of content with him. I frequently get requests to do content including podcasts, collaborations, guest reviewers for food reviews, and even businesses I have never even heard of...Read More
My goal for 2021 is to help more people make more money in the Real Estate Industry. At Right Choice, we have had 3 Realtors come through the door and see drastic improvements to their bottoms lines. The first Realtor at Right Choice seen an increase in business of 518%! The second Realtor to join...Read More
This past year we have been stripped of a lot things in our lives. But there is something that we are still able to do! I look over the numbers of how we have actually improved during a global pandemic. Right Choice has grown by the numbers. Adding KevMurphyCA and Kacey Cook to the roster....Read More
This past week we dealt with a situation which is completely unacceptable in Real Estate. We had a Realtor working on the other side of a deal reach out to our Buyers directly without us present. This isn’t the 1st time this Realtor has reached out to our Buyers or Sellers. In Real Estate this...Read More